Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A New Middle East Strategy?

Once again a US President is going to try to tackle the Middle East problem of Israel vs. everybody else in that region. Ever since Carter’s Nobel Prize winning yet spectacularly failing effort each President has felt compelled to bring about peace in the Mid-East. When will they realize it isn’t going to work? That no matter how often you get a photo of some high level Saudi or Egyptian or even Palestinian shaking hands with a high level Israeli they will then return to their countries and continue plotting the destruction of each other.

Let’s face it. These people have been fighting each other for centuries. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, this is all about religion. Sure the agnostics and atheists will again clamor for the end of religions yet you can’t help but wonder if maybe there really is something sacred about Jerusalem and the surrounding land. First it was told to the Jews that this was their holy land, promised to them by their God. Many centuries later a Jewish rabbi preached a new religion while he wandered throughout these same lands. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Galilee and all the surrounding areas then became sacred lands to Christians. A few centuries later, Mohammed visited Jerusalem and from there he is said to have ascended into heaven and returned making Jerusalem a sacred site for Muslims. You have to admit that it is a little spooky that three of the largest Religions in the world. Judaism, Christianity and Muslims, each believe that this one small piece of dusty land is sacred. Unfortunately, although the Jews and Christians coexist peacefully with each other, the Muslims in the area would prefer to kill any non Muslim.

And now it is President Obama’s turn to try to bring about harmony between Israel and basically everybody else in the Middle East. But there are some very important differences this time. First, Iran is close to having nuclear weapons, if they don’t already have them. Again, religion is at the heart of the matter. Both Iran’s Ayatollah and President Ahmadinejad have repeatedly stated that Israel should be wiped off the map simply because their Muslim religion orders them to kill all Jews. So if somebody has repeatedly stated they wanted to kill you and are developing the weapons to do just that, wouldn’t you be more than a bit worried? And would you really blame the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, if he made plans to take offensive measures before it is too late and Iran has made good on their threat to wipe Israel off the map?

To make this dangerous situation even shakier we now have President Obama stepping into this mess. Unlike all previous Presidents, Obama is showing signs of favoring the Muslim countries and not Israel. Tomorrow the President is planning a major speech from Egypt which has Israel worried. And they probably should be concerned. According to the NY Times Global edition, the Saudi ambassador to the Arab League said “I think we should hear something positive from President Obama. I think he is going in the right way.”

If Obama does take a more pro Muslim stance and if I were Israel, I would seriously consider taking action now. What choice does Israel have? Does Obama believe that Israel, which has always been a friend of the US, will passively listen to a harsh lecture from our President? How could Israel not feel isolated as it is boxed in on all sides by nations who want to kill them and now to lose their staunchest ally? Should they simply sit and wait for Hezbollah or Iranian or Palestinian terrorists to make the first move? If Obama’s speech on Thursday is pro Muslim and anti Israel then this country, feeling it is now totally on its own, just might decide it has nothing to lose by taking action.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe Obama’s speech tomorrow will show that this country will continue to be a staunch supporter of Israel. But all signs are showing that the US President will be true to his upbringing and align himself with the Muslim nations, not Israel. He may not bow this time but his words and speech will belie his attitude toward the Muslim nations and leaders. I just hope that unlike that bow, Obama will be careful of what he says and truly understands the consequences of his actions….

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