The debate escalated yesterday surrounding the fate of Guantanamo Bay and its terrorist inmates. As the President seems determined to close this facility then let’s close it and move the war criminals stateside. Yes, these inmates will have greater freedoms and more access to both the other inmates and the press, who I am sure, will glamorize these criminals and conveniently forget that the terrorists plotted to destroy our country. On the other hand, I bet that there will be more cases of the terrorists meeting “accidents” and being injured if not killed while in these stateside jails then the likelihood that they will attract other inmates to their twisted views of America.
In the future, knowing that this facility is closed, then our military should first interrogate any terrorists they capture (waterboarding optional) and then be “forced” to kill them as the terrorists “try to escape”. No Gitmo then no future inmates. It’s as simple as that.
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