Memorial Day weekend was one of my favorite holidays when I was a child. It kicked off with
“The Parade”, which was nothing more than a small home town parade. But when I was little it was a wonderful collection of retired military proudly wearing their uniforms (which may or may not actually fit), high school bands, twirlers, fire trucks and police cars startling the crowds with their loud horns and sirens, every girl scout and boy scout troop in town and of course the entrancing men and women

riding their beautiful horses that had been decorated with ribbons and bells for the occasion. Oh how I wanted to be one of those riders…
For years I would stand by the big oak tree with my family watching the parade and waving to my sister playing in the band. Then it was my turn to become a part of it. No, not as one of the people riding horses but instead I was in the parade as a Brownie and then I marched with my Girl Scout troop. How mature I felt when it was now my turn to wave to my parents and little brother who stood by the oak tree.

But the best part happened when the parade ended – it was now officially summertime! And that meant jumping in the pool. Sure it might only be in the 60’s and I might jump in and then immediately jump out again but it was now summer and so I simply had to do this.
There was one more piece of nostalgia that came with the weekend, and that is the barbeque served for dinner on Memorial Day weekend. Dad just had to grill something; hamburgers, hot dogs or even steaks, plus corn

on the cob and Mom’s homemade potato salad. The day would end watching the Memorial Day specials on TV with the inspiring music, marches, and fireworks. Yes, Memorial Day weekend with its parades and pools and barbeques was definitely a wonderful childhood experience.
world has changed a lot since my idealistic childhood. Yet I truly hope that somewhere in the United States there are still towns that honor Memorial Day with parades and speeches. And that there are still children who watch in awe as the parade passes them. Perhaps today there is even a child smiling happily yet shivering after having jumped into

a very cold pool to celebrate the start of summer. And I am sure there are kids somewhere who are stuffing themselves with grilled hot dogs and burgers. And you know what? I can’t think of a better tribute on Memorial Day weekend than to see our children having an innocent, joyful and happy childhood thanks to the soldiers who fought and gave their lives to give us our freedom and way of life.
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