Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Short Retort

I am sitting here watching Barack Obama’s speech on race. The speech that the pundits say could make or break his campaign. Drudge Report illegal published his speech ahead of time so that I have already read what he is going to say. It seemed that it could be a powerful speech that could help him.

Obama has just started and the first impression is that this is one very angry man. Gone is the smooth delivery of a powerful speaker who can move crowds with his words. In its place is an irate man who clips is words and spits them out like bullets. Unlike prior speeches it seems as if he is not talking to us but rather at us. I have previously admitted that even I, a conservative, was moved by his past speeches. Whatever he had before, charisma, belief in what he is saying or whatever it was, is missing.

He started to slow down and speak a bit more powerfully when he read from the bible. So perhaps the rest of the speech will be more like his effective earlier speeches. But those first minutes gave a glimpse into the Barrack Obama normally kept under wraps behind the smooth talker. Which will win out and what the impact of this speech will be only time and the upcoming primaries will tell…

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