Monday, March 3, 2008

Random Thoughts on Tomorrrow's Primary

I am glad tomorrow’s primary is in Texas and Ohio. Too often my state, Florida, has been accused of winning/losing the election depending on your party. For once it is nice that the heat and spotlight is somewhere other than Florida. (Although it may end up back here if there is still no clear winner and Hillary challenges the ruling not to sit Florida’s delegates.)

Hillary haters will again write back that I am wrong but I still feel sorry for her. I rewatched parts of the last debate and even after the SNL parody the media still was treating her differently than Obama. It was unbelievable the number of times she was cut off or dismissed. In comparison, Obama was allowed to talk and talk and talk. When Hillary did try to nail Obama for the support of Farrakhan, Obama ended up turning it into a joke over the words of renounce and reject (reminded me of what is the definition of is). What was worse was that the moderator, Brian Williams, not only allowed Obama to get away with it but abetted him by chuckling and shaking his head indicating that he was thoroughly dismissing Clinton’s valid concern.

Trying to judge what others were thinking I checked out some other political sites to see what they were saying. The most interesting was the Democratic Underground an extreme left-wing web site. Some of the titles of their articles and blogs were “I’m done defending Hillary”, “As A Hillary Supporter, I Know It’s Probably Over 3/4/08”, “The Bush Tragedy – NYT – The Most Disastrous President in Our History”, and “Obama’s Hollow ‘Judgement' and empty record”. From these, and others, it looks like democrats have little hope that Hillary will win. Actually this site is rich with insight into the far left and I will probably return later for a full article on it.

Meanwhile in the Junior Super Tuesday, as the media is calling tomorrow, it is too close to call. Personally I an rooting for Hillary because it is advantageous to the GOPs to see the democratic race extended for as long as possible. If she wins just one state, it will be interesting to see what she does. Then again, some are saying she will stay in the race until at least PA if she is even close in tomorrow’s primaries. I can’t help but wonder if the concept of losing with grace and style is even something her campaign will ever understand.

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