Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Messenger of Allah

My last article on how Random House bowed down to blackmail from Islamic groups must have hit a nerve with a lot of people so I thought that I might continue to explore this a little bit more. (I’ll get back to politics and the election once the conventions start.)

Have you heard of the “Messenger of Allah Unites Us”? Probably not, but it should hit the news in the not too distant future. As I was surfing the internet, I came across a lot of eye opening sites, but this campaign caught my attention because I think it is the most dangerous to us.

In a nutshell, everybody remembers how violent the Islams became over those cartoons of Mohammed printed in the Danish newspapers, right? Long story short, a group of Jordan Muslims started a new campaign to stop this from happening again.

The “Messenger of Allah Unites US” condemns the previous violent reaction. Instead of violence, they are now boycotting Dutch companies. They even have a poster showing all of the products on their boycott list. But how a company can avoid this boycott is the true heart of this campaign.

According to Fact International, a website by the Messenger of Allah Unites Us group, the purpose of this campaign is to “criminalize any act deemed to be insulting to Islam”. That’s right. This Jordan group now says they won’t be violent or boycott your product just as long as your country never insults Islam again and jails anyone who does. As to what act might be considered insulting… who knows. And yet some companies actually signed this statement so that they would no longer be boycotted. Those are the ones I want to boycott!

They also submitted a resolution against defamation of religions to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Although France, Germany and Britain voted against it, 21 countries approved the resolution, including Cuba, China and Russia. Oh right, those three are known for their protection of freedom of religion! What hypocrits!

But the sheer audacity of the Messenger of Allah group is in this next move. They filed charges against a number of Europeans including Dutch parliamentarian, Geer Wilders, who made an anti Islam film. They were accused of blasphemy and inciting hatred. The impact of this was analyzed by
"But what is most disturbing is that an Islamic country would dare subpoena citizens of another state for an action not committed within its borders but in a land where no laws were broken. Besides being meant as a weapon of intimidation, this tactic also represents a frightening extension of Islamic law into the heart of western countries.

But perhaps most ominously, this incredibly brazen measure shows that even a small Islamic country like Jordan has no fear of Europe. And, indeed, no retaliatory response met the Jordanian court’s action against European citizens."

Wow. Now they could try to silence anyone anywhere. Yet something like the above has no power unless you give it to them. However, just as some companies have given in to Islamic blackmail I am afraid that a democratic country will submit to this. Can’t you just see some bleeding heart liberal judge, who in the interest of respecting diversity, throws out the freedom of speech and turns over a citizen to Jordan? And once precedence is set then the game is over. So we must never give in.

Once again I’m not sure what everyday people like us can do about it. I guess the best we can do is to be aware of what is happening. I will try to help since I do have the time to research and look for things I think people should know about. And if we are ever faced with a decision ourselves, then we have to take a stand no matter the consequences. It may not be easy but we must protect our freedoms and our country.

And it is no accident that our national anthem ends with these words; the land of the free and the home of the brave. Because if we’re not brave when faced with these challenges and don’t do the right thing then we will no longer be free.

1 comment:

  1. The most intelligent thing to do is to recognize that Prophet Mohammad is too important for Muslims and should not be degraded in the guise of "freedom of speech". You do this for anti-semetic propaganda. So, why not anti-Mohammad.

    Remember, Muslims usually don't have an issue with a scholarly criticism of Mohammad or even a non-scholarly criticism of Islam and Muslims. But, Prophet Mohammad is dear to every Muslim no matter how religious or non-religious he/she might be.

    And, the day people like you recognize it, you'll actually start promoting harmony instead of hatred in this world.
