Monday, September 19, 2011

Panic Time

The Obama presidency is imploding. You know it is bad when ultraliberal James Carville writes an OpEd telling Obama that it is time to panic. He's right. Just this week Obama's administration has been hit with a number of potential scandals and one very embarrassing special election. And now only 43 % approve how Obama is handling his job as president according to a recent CNN poll and over half of those polled (53%) disapprove. But it gets worse for when asked how Obama is handling the economy just 36% approve and a whopping 61% disapprove. Yup, it sure is time to panic.

How angry and fed up must people be when a predominantly Jewish population who has had a democrat Congressman since the 1920's bypassed the Jewish Democrat candidate for a Catholic Republican? Wow. But as Obama's old pastor once so famously said "the chickens have come home to roost". In this case, the Presidents favoritism of the Arab Middle East, mishandling of Israel and rude behavior during Netanyahu's last visit is resulting in the disenfranchising of the Jewish voters. And even as Obama is losing his core base his administration is being rocked with scandals.

Yesterday the Chicago Tribune entitled "Obama's Solyndra scandal reeks of the Chicago Way". And they should know. So what happened? Solyndra, a company making a new kind of solar panels, was the pride of Obama's green initiative. In spite of warnings or the fact that the Bush administration turned it down, Obama rushed to push through giving Solyndra $535 million of stimulus money in 2009. This week Solyndra declared bankruptcy.

They are calling this crony capitalism meaning Obama is helping businesses who have helped him. Yup, typical Chicago politics. No surprise what with Obama picking Bill Daley as his Chief of staff earlier this year. What else would you expect from a Daley who is pictured below having a laugh with our president and the infamous ex Governor Blagojevich.

A new name in the news is George Kaiser. He is the wealthiest man in Oklahoma, a contributor to Obama's campaign and a major investor in Solyndra. The White House logs shows that Kaiser was at the White House nearly 20 times in the month before receiving the stimulus money. And he wrote the contract such that investors will be paid first, then the government. I guess we can kiss that half a billion dollars goodbye.

How did they blow through $535 million in less than two years? It could be the new factory that opened a year ago, the one in which Obama toured and gave a speech. Or maybe it's the fact that they made solar panels at $6 a piece and according to multiple sources sold them for $3 a piece. Even lemonade stand Susie knows that it is stupid to sell at a loss.

No wonder our economy is getting worse under Obama. His economic team, starting with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is clueless. (Remember that Geithner had been president of the Federal Reserve Board of NY during the initial bank melt down in 08-09. Some Wall Street insiders blame Geithner for worsening the economic collapse due to what he did or didn't do to help salvage banks.)

Again, Carville is correct in demanding that Obama fire them all, starting with the Treasury Secretary. Meanwhile, Obama's new economic plan is simply stimulus junior with no new initiatives. As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is to do the same thing again and expect different results.

Then there are the growing scandals, old and new. There is Operation Fast and Furious, the gun running debacle. The ATF, again under Geithner, came up with the ludicrous idea to sell guns across the border in the hopes of tracking them and arresting Mexican criminals. Instead the guns have been used in multiple illegal incidents including the deadly shooting of one of our border patrol agent.

And the scandals keep on coming. Keep an eye on LightSquared another company who's top man was a major Obama contributor. As the Washington Post put it: "The deal has been criticized not only for its 'pay to play' appearance but also because the LightSquared network would interfere with the part of the wireless spectrum that is used by Global Positioning Systems (GPS)." Now a top level Air Force General is saying he was pressured by the White House to testify that this system would not interfere with the military's usage of the current GPS system, when, in fact, it could.

The week ended with the publication of a new "insider's" book: "Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President,” by journalist Ron Suskind. In addition to detailing infighting among top Obama advisors it also states that Obama's administration was an all men's club. At best women felt ignored and excluded, at worst, according to former White House communications director Anita Dunn, it was a hostile environment where women felt like "a piece of meat."

Today, many of the women are now backtracking on these remarks which is understandable, for in the book they claimed that the the men's club attitude and the instigator for the poor treatment of women came directly from the president. Oops, just one more Obama mis-step.

Last week was definitely not a good week for President Obama. I am also old enough to hear the echo of history as pundits and the media begin to ask what did Obama know about these scandals and when did he know it? To have this hit as he begins to campaign for the next election has even resulted in a few whispers of an acronym I haven't heard in 40 years. Can anyone say CREEP?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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