There was an Associated Press release out today that stated we had the lowest birth rate in 100
years with a current birthrate of 13.7 births for every 1000 people. (Although my family is doing their best to bring the number up and yes that is a picture of the newest addition David James Roberts.) Now I am simply quoting an AP report but it seems to me that it would make more sense to state the number of births for every woman or better yet every woman in the child-bearing age range rather than per person. It strikes me as being more than a bit silly to include men and children or even women pasta certain age. But as this is how it was shown then this is what I am stuck with – 13.7 births per 1000 people. In comparison, in 1932 the birthrate dipped below 20 births per 1000 people (another AP phrase so I don’t know the exact number). The lower birthrate today is not surprising considering there was no pill back then. The AP report mentioned another reason for our lower birthrate – fewer births by immigrants. Actually what they were saying is that our bad economy has deterred foreigners from moving here. I suppose that could be the silver lining in a very stormy cloud!

According to CNNMoney, the amount of credit card debt consumers are carrying dropped to an eight-year low and delinquencies continued to decline in the second quarter as consumers look
to shore up their savings. The report goes on to state that credit card debt fell 4.1% to an average $4,591 during the quarter. This is the fifth straight quarterly decline and the first time since 2002 that credit card debt has dropped below $5,000. This is pretty amazing news. You would think that the high unemployment might lead people to depend more on their credit cards but apparently not. You can’t help but feel a bit optimistic about people and the future. In fact the politicians should take note that we understand we have to tighten our belts, deny buying and maxing out our credit cards and even hold off on making major life changes. Too bad Obama, Pelosi and Reid don’t understand this. No wonder people are mad – we are doing the responsible thing yet watch helplessly as our Congress continue to spend, increase our debt and make major life changes. Then again, a message may be coming their way in November.

In the midst of our deepening recession, there is one statistic that has not hit the news. Don’t you just know that if a Republican was
in office that we would be inundated with reports about the increase in homeless families, overflowing shelters and touching stories about ex-servicemen living on the streets. But I haven’t seen a word about it – have you? Not even when temps were hitting record highs making living on the streets life threatening. I really had to search before I found even one recent story by a mainstream media outlet, in this instance CNN Money which stated that the great recession drove more families into homeless shelters in 2009. The report went on to say that 170,000 families needed shelter last year, up from 159,000 in 2008. I somehow must have missed all the coverage this summer by mainstream media about this growing problem.

Speaking of missing things, I had a strange experience that I just have to mention. For another story I wanted to go back and take another look at all the pictures from Michelle’s trip to Spain.
Specifically I wanted to review the pictures of her surrounded by all the security men while she was shopping. When I first wrote that story there was a large selection including a picture showing a very bored First Daughter which I thought I might now use for another story. There was just one problem – all the pictures are now missing. I googled Michelle Obama Spain shopping and not a single picture remains. Oh sure, there are a few showing the First Lady with the King of Spain and even one of her getting off a plane but not one of her shopping. Now I am not going crazy as I know they had been posted during her trip since I used this one in my blog. But now? They are all gone, including the one I used. I’ve heard of revisionism history but this is a bit scary. I thought the internet was a place of freedom and yet somehow somebody, the Obama administration I assume, has managed to delete or hide or misplace these photos. Call me naïve but I didn’t know this was possible. I guess it is.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the Obama administration is truly rewriting history. So I tested out one more image – to find a picture of President Obama with Jeremiah
Wright. There was one – that’s it. A lot of picture of just Wright but when I googled Jeremiah Wright and Obama only one picture remains and all other pictures from their friendship, going to his church and having Wright as his spiritual advisor are gone. Sort of like trying to find a picture of Obama with a cigarette even though he continues to smoke or even trying to find many snapshots of Obama on the golf course. Come to think of it, yes, there are a few pictures showing Obama golfing but I have rarely seen pictures of his golfing partner. Who are they and better yet, why is it that much of a secret? This secrecy is very scary. And these were just a few minor issues but I wonder what else is being kept out of the news or disappearing from the web. Why isn't there more of an outcry about this and where are the determined journalists and photographers who have the courage to take these pictures… and keep them on the web for history’s sake.

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