Amazing how much the world has changed in more than 20 years. Back then if a nest of Russian spies were discovered people would have been outraged, upset, even scared. Now? It seems so archaic, as if from a time long past and even sort of cool. I had to laugh, though, at the NY Post front page. Does the younger generation even still associate "Red" with Communism especially since a "Red" state such as TX means it voted for a Republican? Really, how did we go from having Red mean Communists to meaning Republicans in less than two decades? The headline also struck a personal nerve. I doubt if many under 50 would understand but when I was a redhaired child the other kids would tease me by chanting "I would rather be dead than red in the head". If public opinion is going to bring back "Red" to mean Communist rather than Republican than I am glad that my hair is slowly turning white!
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