That was the dumbest purchase of my life, or at least it seems like it. I just spent $8,995 for something I can’t touch and can’t really see either. The last time I spent that much, excluding buying my townhouse, although come to think of it I’ve bought houses in the past with less down payment than that. Anyway, the only other thing that expensive was a car I bought 25 years ago. At least after spending all that money I got to drive my purchase home. This time, I can’t even kick the tires, so to speak. What was this purchase? A brand new roof for my townhouse as the 19 year old one that I had was starting to leak onto my ceiling. A friend asked how did I like it? How do I kn0w? Come to think of it, I won’t even know if it is a good one or not unless it starts to leak, too. The only thing I can say is that I caught a glimpse of a small corner of my roof when driving up my street and it looked brighter and cleaner than the roofs next to it. And that is the extent of all I can say about this outrageously expensive purchase. Gee.. Just think how much nicer it would have been if I could have spent $9,000 on some bling instead…
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