Arizona; I am not sure what my position is on this state’s tough
new immigration law. On one hand I agree that immigrants who are here illegally should be sent back to their mother country, especially if they are caught doing any crime. On the other hand, I have a problem with the idea of requiring people to show their papers. It sounds too much like Communist Russia where no one could move around the country without their papers. This is not America.
Arizona’s new law seems to be nothing more than putting a bandaid onto a punctured artery. It will do nothing to stem the tide of Mexicans pouring over our borders. I think what we really need to do is to analyze the underlying reasons regarding our illegal immigration problems. Only then might we find an answer to this growing problem.
For all our talk, over half of the country wants these illegal immigrants here. First there are the businessmen and women who need the cheap labor. Their
argument has been that Americans wouldn’t do those jobs although now I wonder about that what with our high unemployment. Nonetheless, as long as employers hire these illegal immigrants then Mexicans will continue to cross our borders. It is as simple as supply and demand.
I’ve mentioned this before but the second reason people dislike Arizona’s new law is that the Democrat party is looking forward to this group voting next fall. Even if the Mexican’s here illegally can’t vote, there is still a huge Hispanic population who can and Democrat’s want and need their votes. Even some Conservatives are backing off from embracing the new Arizona law because they can’t afford to offend the Hispanic community.
Whatever America does, Mexicans will continue to rush our borders as long as their country cannot provide the jobs and economic security which is found in America. It is truly outrageous that the United States is one of the richest countries in the world and yet there is a third world country on our southern border. We have spent millions of dollars to help prop up democracies throughout the world, why can’t we do the same with our own neighbor? Mexico may not want our interference, but too bad. Until they can control their own country and bring economic prosperity to their citizens so that they aren’t forced to come to here then we have every right to butt in.
No laws or walls will stem the tide of Mexicans crossing our borders for jobs and a better life. But if we can help Mexico provide those goals in their own country then there would be no need for Mexicans to come here, legally or illegally. Why aren’t wealthy liberals or groups of Hispanics raising funds to start schools, provide doctors, help Mexicans start their own businesses in their own country? Why can’t we offer loans for new factories and advantageous deals for trading across the border? Yes I know that the reason we can’t do the latter is that Mexico’s government is very corrupt and run by drug cartels. But we have to start somewhere, somehow, to
encourage economic growth in Mexico, other than through drugs.
Until Mexicans can obtain jobs, economic security and better health care in their own country then they will continue to walk across the border regardless of our laws. The ultimate benefits in America are simply too tempting.
In the meantime, however, Hispanics will be making a huge mistake with their upcoming May Day protest in cities throughout America. Individual Mexicans cleaning your house or small groups working on your farm or factory don’t seem threatening or problematic. Sure there are parts of town controlled by Hispanics where there are frequent robberies, gun shots and murders, and all signs and conversations are in Spanish as most don’t even speak English. But you ignore that part of town
and stay away from those streets after dark. Thus non-Hispanics tolerated the growing influx of Mexicans as long as they didn’t disrupt their life or appear threatening. This will all change come May 1st.
Once again, our big screen TVs will be filled with images of angry Hispanics. Signs in Spanish will be waved along with the Mexican flag. The demonstrations may start of calm buy you know they will eventually deteriorate into angry, perhaps even violent protests. Americans, of every background other than Hispanic, will suddenly feel threatened and upset by this display. I don’t think this protest will help the Hispanic cause at all.
We see ourselves as a good country, a country that helps our neighbors, a country that has basically been willing to look the other way as Mexicans migrate here and flood our schools and hospitals and take menial jobs. We bend over backwards to enable Mexicans with our dual language approach which irritates many Americans. But now? These protests may seem very ungrateful and extremely disrespectful to this country which has done so much for our neighbor. And seeing what amounts to a foreign demonstration in the United States will make Democrats uncomfortable and Republicans downright angry. This is a huge mistake which will only inflame the already volatile situation.

Arizona’s new law seems to be nothing more than putting a bandaid onto a punctured artery. It will do nothing to stem the tide of Mexicans pouring over our borders. I think what we really need to do is to analyze the underlying reasons regarding our illegal immigration problems. Only then might we find an answer to this growing problem.
For all our talk, over half of the country wants these illegal immigrants here. First there are the businessmen and women who need the cheap labor. Their

I’ve mentioned this before but the second reason people dislike Arizona’s new law is that the Democrat party is looking forward to this group voting next fall. Even if the Mexican’s here illegally can’t vote, there is still a huge Hispanic population who can and Democrat’s want and need their votes. Even some Conservatives are backing off from embracing the new Arizona law because they can’t afford to offend the Hispanic community.

No laws or walls will stem the tide of Mexicans crossing our borders for jobs and a better life. But if we can help Mexico provide those goals in their own country then there would be no need for Mexicans to come here, legally or illegally. Why aren’t wealthy liberals or groups of Hispanics raising funds to start schools, provide doctors, help Mexicans start their own businesses in their own country? Why can’t we offer loans for new factories and advantageous deals for trading across the border? Yes I know that the reason we can’t do the latter is that Mexico’s government is very corrupt and run by drug cartels. But we have to start somewhere, somehow, to
Until Mexicans can obtain jobs, economic security and better health care in their own country then they will continue to walk across the border regardless of our laws. The ultimate benefits in America are simply too tempting.
In the meantime, however, Hispanics will be making a huge mistake with their upcoming May Day protest in cities throughout America. Individual Mexicans cleaning your house or small groups working on your farm or factory don’t seem threatening or problematic. Sure there are parts of town controlled by Hispanics where there are frequent robberies, gun shots and murders, and all signs and conversations are in Spanish as most don’t even speak English. But you ignore that part of town

Once again, our big screen TVs will be filled with images of angry Hispanics. Signs in Spanish will be waved along with the Mexican flag. The demonstrations may start of calm buy you know they will eventually deteriorate into angry, perhaps even violent protests. Americans, of every background other than Hispanic, will suddenly feel threatened and upset by this display. I don’t think this protest will help the Hispanic cause at all.