Friday, March 26, 2010

Looking Through A Glass Darkly

I am worried about what is happening to my country and so, after a long break, I decided to bring out my rarely used crystal ball to see what the future might hold. Now was that a mistake! Talk about scary things. Perhaps I am over-reacting but my dusty crystal ball is showing me a dangerous future and it is not your grandchildren’s future but what might happen in just the next month and year. So what near future am I seeing in my crystal ball?

First I am seeing Republican politicians speaking to nearly deserted arenas this summer. Why? Where are all the people? I asked my crystal ball to show me what happened more recently so that I might understand this future. It takes me to the Easter break, when the Tea Party Express makes its third trip around the country. Although defeated over the health care bill, tea party goers were invigorated and perhaps because they were defeated, conservatives were more determined than ever to replace the members of the House and vote in more conservative politicians. Yes they were angry but they wanted to channel that anger into positive energy going forward. But then my crystal ball returns me to the empty arenas of this summer and that is when I realized that the rooms were empty due to the fact that there were no Tea Party participants to cheer on the conservative candidates. So I looked deeper into the ball and shuddered at what I saw.

It started after the health care bill was passed when a few liberal politicians claimed that they were called names. No one questioned their claims, although there was no proof, not a single unfocused footage in spite of the camera men and regular folks filming the event. Then more and more politicians complained and yes there was now proof as they played voice messages from angry people, some who crossed the line of acceptable behavior. And once one angry person denigrated the President then it was obvious to the liberals that these conservatives were all racists and bigots. (Republicans had equally violent and upsetting calls but the government’s opinion was that they pretty much asked for it due to how they voted.)

Starting with a few name calls it snowballed into all liberal politicians saying they were afraid of the violent, racist conservatives. Obviously these name callers had to be a part of the Tea Party since the Tea Party participants admitted to being angry. Not only were they angry but everyone knew that the Tea Party was started by Republican law makers or maybe it was by big bad businesses or the evil banks or even the KKK. Regardless, there was just no way that normal people would band together in defiance against liberals, since liberals were trying to help the people. OK so maybe the Democrats were not trying to help those people, you know, people who were tax payers or wealthy or even middle class suburbanites. But those people should understand that they are getting more than their fair share and should want to be helping everyone else. Those people have never protested in the past, they always just worked a bit harder and had a bit less but now they must be insane if they actually are rebelling against the government.

My crystal ball even showed me a headline from today when the Tea Party released a statement saying that they were a peaceful group who denounces all forms of violence including racial attacks. But will that help? Probably not, because the media won't bother to cover it and the few that do, well liberals who hear it will just think the statement is untrue and that these conservatives are all liars anyway. And unfortunately, my crystal ball shows me that there will be one person at a Tea Party rally this spring who does yell out a racial slur at a politician which will support the liberals’ views that the entire Tea Party, and by default all conservatives, are racist.

It won’t take long for leading Democrats to jump from denouncing the Tea Party as being racist to stating that it encourages hate crimes and that their participants are the real terrorists in this country! From there, Obama will enact the Homeland Security Act and label the Tea Party and its participants as being threats to our national safety and therefore must be disbanded. Hence the empty rooms when Republican candidates give speeches this summer; as the conservatives are afraid to come out in public for fear that they could be arrested for terrorist activities if they simply cheer on a conservative candidate or disagree with a liberal politician.

It is strange, isn’t it how liberals were furious at George Bush and all the Homeland Security laws that he enacted which limited our rights for the sake of protecting us against terrorists. And yet Obama has not done one thing to liberalize those laws. Perhaps he wants them in place. Perhaps liberals don’t mind limiting freedom of speech, freedom to gather, freedom to worship and all our other freedoms – if it is withdrawn from the right kind of people, those people. And the media continues to see only one side of it. If conservatives were branded terrorists and treated as such, would the media say anything? Or would they remain quiet since it would be happening to those kinds of people and not to the good kind; the liberals, the poor, or even illegal immigrants. If violence occurs to Republican or conservatives, well, they deserve it for not thinking correctly. But if violence occurs to Democrats or liberals, well then those people must be the real terrorists and stopped at all costs. And it will cost us everything…

By now you must be thinking my crystal ball is cracked to prophesize such things. This is America. It could never ever happen here, right? Admittedly, I was going a bit far but trying to make a point of what could happen. Then, in the last paragraph I was going to write something about real terrorism and Al Queda but I wasn’t sure how to spell it. In fact I still am not sure of the spelling because when I got online to The Drudge Report, to my horror, at the top was a link to the following headline VIDEO: Clyburn says Republicans 'aiding and abetting terrorism' against Dems.... Perhaps my silly crystal ball isn’t that silly after all.

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