Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ted Kennedy: Then and Now

Ted Kennedy is once again in the news. The liberal media is going to town with the image of Kennedy rising from his sick bed to promote Obama’s health care plan. NewsBusters.org includes quotes from two different reporters:

World News anchor Dan Harris highlighted how “Kennedy is using his own battle against brain cancer to make an emotional pitch for health care reform” and NBC reporter Mike Viqueira touted: “Today, another dramatic push, this time from an ailing Ted Kennedy, absent from Washington but appearing on the cover of Newsweek and writing: ‘This is the cause of my life. We will have decent, quality health care as a fundamental right and not just a privilege’.

Oh yes, that’s Teddy Kennedy, champion of the sick, putting aside his own illness to fight for someone else’s right for help. That is unless that someone is trapped inside of a submerged car, then he’ll simply walk away letting her die alone, waiting until the next morning to call for help.

Speaking of that, did you know that the 40th anniversary of the events at Chappaquiddick occurred over the weekend? What, no one in the media cared to put that on the news? Gee, how surprising…

Kennedy, like so many liberals, professes love and concern for the masses but if that help impinges on him in any way then he’ll just walk away without a backwards glance. He needs, no he in fact demands, that someone else takes care of those pesky little details, like a dead body back then or paying the trillions today. Plus it is always easier to “make an emotional pitch” for a group of unknown people than to have to deal with one person face to face. The former is more sterile, more in the abstract then the reality of dealing with a real person (dead or alive).

Since there will be no “emotional pitch” from Kennedy than I will step in and ask that after everyone say a prayer for Mary Jo Kopechne and her family, 40 years after Kennedy left her to die in his submerged car that he had drunkenly drove off a bridge. And I can’t help but wonder if once again Kennedy is going to leave us trapped in a smashed up car with rising water around us, this time in the guise of health care in which we’ll drown in trillions of dollars in debt if it is passed.

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