Sunday, July 20, 2008

Changing Everything But His Own Mind

For some reason I keep imagining the following scene…..

Dinner time and everyone is sitting around the kitchen table.

“I don’t like this.” said Joshua looking at the peas on his dinner plate.

“You haven’t even tried them.” Replies his Dad.

“Don’t care. I just know I won’t like them.”

“Because it’s green and looks funny and it smells!” Joshua is now building up to a full fledged temper tantrum.

“Stop that screaming and just eat your peas.” Dad is starting to get another headache.

“No. You can eat them.”

“Don't talk back to me like that. You can’t get down from the table until you try them." Dad's getting annoyed with his son's attitude. "How can you say you don’t like something if you haven’t even tried it? That doesn't make any sense” (Apparently Dad has forgotten that adolescent boys rarely make sense.)

“I don't care. I just know I don't like them.”

Father and son stare at each other.

“Oh alright”, Joshua pouts. He balances two peas on his fork, puts them in his mouth and starts to make a gagging sound. “Yechhhh! Are you trying to poison me? That’s really gross! You never listen to me. I knew they would be awful even before I tasted them. And I was right - they are awful and I don't like them! So now get the rest of them off of my plate!"

Hmmm. Maybe some little boys never do grow up…

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