Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My VP Choice for Obama

The news should only be about Barack Obama tonight . He came from nowhere, defeated the “inevitable” Hillary Clinton and oh yeah, he just happens to be our first black candidate for President. And yet thanks to Hillary, this just isn’t that big of news. Even though the numbers were against her she stayed until the last primary, thereby dragging out the truly inevitable outcome until people became numb to Barack’s winning. Then on the afternoon when he finally has enough delegates, Hillary again tries to trump this with news of her own. Will she be second on the ticket or not?

I can’t see that happening. Think about it. You have to have a pretty big ego to think you are the best person to run the US of A. Having two large egos together as President and VP is looking for trouble. Now add in another ex-President plus a strong willed and opinionated President’s wife and you really have trouble. So I just don’t think Obama would be crazy enough to even try it.

Instead I have the perfect Vice President for Obama. For if he doesn’t go with Hillary he needs to pick a person who trumps her in terms of name, prestige and voter appeal. There is only one name that is a bigger draw in the Democratic Party than Clinton and with the highest prestige. Of the choices of people with this name there is one that really stands out.

This person was also a Lt. Governor thus showing some voter draw in a southern state. This candidate is also the President of Operation Respect a nationwide character education program. That’s a two-for-one deal; great topic that appeals to conservatives plus shows business experience. And in answer to Obama’s continuing church problems this same person wrote a book called “Failing America’s Faithful: How Today’s Churches are Mixing God and Politics and Losing their Way". (I didn’t even know about this book before I was researching this name but you couldn't find a more appropriate topic for Obama's running mate!)

And who is this paragon of a VP? Kathleen Kennedy Townsend. Enough said.

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