Sunday, December 30, 2007

John McCain's "Surge" - Real or Manufactured?

I heard it numerous times over the weekend - John McCain is surging in Iowa and is making a spectacular comeback. What brought on this "surge"? Were the people of Iowa and New Hampshire suddenly shifting from the other Republican candidates to McCain? Is he using some new strategy to win over the people? Are Republican voters ignoring McCain's position on immigration, torture and his health care plan and nonetheless supporting him? Well, no to all of the above.

What happened is simple. The MSM (Main Stream Media), who have always loved McCain, have created the illusion that he is rising up in the polls. They do this all the time and it is important to watch how they manipulate people. McCain had been trailing way behind in both Iowa and New Hampshire when suddenly two newspapers throw their support to him. The Boston Herald and Iowa's The Register announced that McCain is their Republican candidate.

Then the MSM announces that there is new interest in McCain and he is gaining more support. Yet this swing in potential votes towards McCain initially had nothing to do with his positions or how the voters actually feel about him. Instead it was completely manufactured by the MSM who hope that if they say something often enough it might actually become true. Not to mention the fact that this is a perfect example of how the MSM makes news rather than reporting it. Since then even more newspapers are supporting McCain and voters have been led by the MSM into McCains camp. But it will be interesting to know if this manufactured support will translate to real votes.


  1. you've pinpointed the problem with today's media...We say now it becomes so. Truth like beauty is becoming something that is seen in the eye of the beholder.

  2. I'm not familiar with the term MSM - could you explain.

    I agree with your analysis of McCain. I have not supported him since I read his bio, Faith of Our Fathers. It revealed his liberal agenda.


  3. MSM stands for Main Stream Media - basically the tv news, magazines and newspapers that typically lean to the left. I apologize for not explaining it and will make sure I provide explanations in the future for any other abreviations. Thanks! Patti
