After nine months in office Barack Obama needs to either start acting like the President of the greatest nation on earth or at the very least Obama needs to grow a pair and start acting like a man.

The hypocrisy of this man and his followers knows no bounds. Everyone recalls that one of Obama’s main campaign themes last year was that he was going to enact “change”, right? And wasn’t cleaning up Bush’s mess implicit in Obama’s desire to replace him as President and his pledge to change the direction of this country? And even I agree that Bush left a lot of problems but instead of changing things Obama is still complaining about the mess left by Bush. Excuse me? At my old office the unwritten rule was that you could blame the person you replaced for one month, after that it was your problems and messes. Yet after nine months Obama is still whining about the problems Bush left instead of manning up and taking responsibility. Mr. President, its past time that you quit your bitching and do the job you promised you would do. I didn’t vote for the man but I still want him to act like a President and not like a spoiled brat complaining that the mess isn't his fault and that he needs more time to decide what to do.
Perhaps making a decision might be easier if he actually spent more time at the office. I’m

beginning to think that Obama is the kind of president who likes the perks but not the work. Take for example, golfing. Did you even know he was a golfer until after he was elected? It sure wasn’t mentioned much since golfing didn’t go along with his image. And yet, this ex-community organizer recently played his 24th game of golf since being President! So nearly three times a month Obama was out hitting the balls while the country suffered from high unemployment, two wars, bail outs, car industry going up in ruins etc. etc. And yes, the last president was also an avid golfer, but it took him two years and nine months to play golf 24 times!
Obama is also quite the entertainer. Funny how you never hear about this, either, but Obama

frequently hosts dinner parties inviting all kinds of Hollywood entertainers, famous singers and musicians. Did you know that the First Couple have been hosting a “music series” whose purpose is rather vague other than to demonstrate a commitment to the arts? Although in a recent MSNBC report, Michelle did mention that “
she wants her daughters, Malia and Sasha, to be ‘aware of all kinds of music — other than hip-hop.’” I guess as First Lady, instead of buying her daughters CDs she has a dinner party where the guest of honor works for their dinner by putting on a concert for the First Daughters.
Between rounds of golf and listening to the likes of Stevie Wonder and Earth, Wind and Fire or taking his wife out on a date, it’s no wonder the President doesn’t have time to make decisions. In fact the only decision it seems he has made is that its good to be President and barely into his first term he is planning for his second term. Perhaps this is why he delays decision making – he doesn’t want anyone to be mad at him. It is also why he is constantly traveling gee, guess where, to swing states that he is afraid he might lose now that people actually know him.

The President also likes to hear himself talk. Oh he never settles anything with his speeches but he sure takes a long time to say very little. As reported:
Six months into his presidency Obama had already “uttered more than half a million words in public.” In one whirlwind week last month, the president made his third appearance on “60 Minutes,” gave a major speech on the financial crisis the next day, and made a record five talk-show appearances the following Sunday. And on the eighth day, He did Letterman. Yak, yak, yak. And yet after listening to one of his speeches you walk away wondering what it was that he said.
This summer Obama held numerous town halls across the country pitching the new health care plan,
except there was no plan. There were half a dozen or so plans being discussed by Congress but we had yet to see a plan agreed upon by the Senate and House. And it is also like Obama for him to ask Pelosi and Reid to come up with a health care plan thereby relieving Obama of making a decision. Instead, he did what he does best, talk and at town hall after town hall, there was Obama going on and on and on about a health plan that didn’t even exist yet. Typical.
So instead of being President and making decisions Obama is still campaigning or else enjoying

the perks of the office. Hell, after nine months in office he still hasn’t decided which church to join in DC nor could Obama even decide what kind of dog to get! And he never did make that decision as somebody gave him a dog, thereby making the decision for him. So if Obama struggles in making a decision about buying a friggin’ dog, no wonder he dithers on major issues, like the wars.
Speaking of the wars, a key advisor recently quit because we had no strategy for the war in

Afghanistan. If we continue to neither bring in more troops nor pull them out then the situation will continue to worsen. Yet when Obama was told of this resignation and asked about determining a strategy, the President said he needed more time. Excuse me? This is the man who complained bitterly about Bush’s “mishandling” of the war so you would think that his team would have had their own strategy in place even before Obama was elected. Instead soldiers will die while the President is out playing golf instead of making a decisions.
Conservatives pointed out during the election last year that most of Obama’s political experience was in campaigning. And in the little time Obama did spend in office he rarely voted on an issue and if he wasn’t conveniently absent for an important vote he would cop out with his indecisive “present”. So it should come as no surprise that Obama continues to dither on making decisions.

Except he isn’t one of 50, where he could let others make the decision. Instead he is now the top man. And guess what, as President you don’t always have the luxury of more time. Nor can you vote “present” and hope someone else makes the difficult decisions for you. As Truman so succinctly put it “The buck stops here.” So its way past time that you man up and do your job, Mr. President.